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Lipkina, Natasha

She is a violinist, viola player and teacher born in Russia.  She studied at the Central School of Music and the Moscow Conservatory before travelling to the United States to take further musical education at Indiana University.  Winning many competitions including the Dmitri Shostakovitch Chamber Music Competition and the George Enescu Violin Competition, she has become known as a soloist and ensemble musician.

Her performances have been heard throughout Europe, Russia and the United States with chamber ensembles, symphony orchestras or as a solo artist at many music festivals, on Russian television and radio and in the 2000 movie Dinner Rush.

Her recordings include Rejoice! A String Quartet Christmas, Volume 2 by Arturo Delmoni , A Map of the World by Pat Metheny and the soundtrack of The Alamo.

As a teacher she has taught at the Children’s Orchestra Society and been on the faculty of the New York University’s music department.

Arturo Delmoni Recordings
All Through The Night (Traditional Welsh)
John Marks Records JMR 18 (CD: A String Quartet Christmas, Volume 2)
Violin – Arturo Delmoni
Violin – Nina Bodnar
Viola – Natasha Lipkina
Cello – Nathaniel Rosen

